Whole Leader Solutions

We build Whole Leaders by leveraging hard-won wisdom about business and humanity through personalized, strategic programs. These core offerings are a sample of what we can do for your enterprise.


Strategic Advisory

Get there faster by building an effective and connected executive team


Coaching for Executives, Senior Leaders and High Potentials

Get there faster with a WholeLeader coach


Team Journeys

To get there faster together, you need fast skills for excellence and resilience



To get there faster, we need to light up and lighten the load

What our clients say

“Maria’s recognition and approach to resiliency is powerful and most valuable during these trying times. Her impactful message is life improving and presented in a very authentic and relatable manner. Our associates at McNeil and Company continue to use the tools she shared everyday.”

Dan McNeil, President, McNeil & Company

Contact us

Start finding solutions with Whole Leader for your organization today

Let’s talk about how we can make your enterprise grow towards happier, more sustainable success