Susan Peppercorn

Susan Peppercorn is an executive coach and career strategist who helps leaders navigate challenges, increase value, and battle burnout with passion and compassion. She invests in relationships that leverage client strengths to adapt their behavior, address risks, and pursue stretch goals. Clients benefit from Susan’s coaching through increased self-awareness, improved business performance, stronger working relationships and greater wellbeing.  

Susan’s top areas of expertise include: 

  • Positive psychology coaching – Moving toward happier success 

  • Emotional intelligence  

  • Building and leading stakeholder networks 

  • How to sell yourself 

  • Shaping your signature career brand 

Susan is certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as an executive coach and trained as a positive psychology coach with Robert Biwas-Diener, a leader in positive psychology research and coaching. She has industry experience in financial services, biopharmaceuticals, technology, and higher education. 

Susan is a regular contributor to Harvard Business Review and Fast Company, and has received acclaim for her recent book, Ditch Your Inner Critique: Evidence-based Strategies to Thrive in your Career. She is married with two grown children living in Portland — one on the west coast, the other on the east.  Susan lives outside of Boston with her husband and her cockapoo, Ruby.